2023-08-12 Making the Postcard

Satisfied 🙂

I only have the strength left for breathing now…and I’ll go to a movie with my cousin tomorrow. Do people go to a movie at 9:30 AM…? (Although I’ve been waking up quite early recently…
Today I had some tofu soup (both salty tofu and sweet fried dough, traditional Chinese breakfast)
I was so happy I could cry. It’s a taste from home that haunts my dreams ; v;

Maybe because of the travel, I felt a bit unwell when I got home. Then I ended up going to the hospital for a check-up for two days, it was really…exhausting.
I forced myself to stay home yesterday afternoon, just to finish a drawing, and today I spent another afternoon talking to the merch factory’s customer service…The images are ready to get printed now! Looking forward to them! (My mom loves the tomato clips and starts to gift them…I printed 10 more sets 😂.

Every meal is so delicious at home (beside I don’t need to do the cooking!). I’m having beers with my parents almost everyday (except those days for hospital). The beer is kinda light, even I (who’s not very good with alcohol) can drink it like soda water _(:з」∠)
(I got a bit tipsy today, just wanted to sing out loud…(I’m the type that would sing when having alcohol).

I always planned to update when I had nothing else to do (like in the middle of a silent night)…but there was never a silent night. I don’t even know what I did, but a week just flew by. I became unconcious at 11 PM every day _(:з」∠)
Today I just forced myself to post a picture! I’m quite satisfied with it!
I should print a few TAT postcards, once I find a good printing shop…

It requires some work to editing the pictures for printing postcards, the size, the bleed and stuff. I’m planning to print a set of 8 cards. It took me two days to finish editing them. Maybe I’m always asking for too much…Sure it’s a tiring job when I have to edit 8 cards *face palm*
All the images are from the past, no new illustrations. Not really something that feel like an achievement…
But to tell the truth, having my own postcards is like one of my dreams. I hope the quality will be okay!
I also plan to buy some nice wraping materials and beautiful props. Shopping time (!

Oh, and I did some color adjustments for the acrylics after seeing the sample. I hope there won’t be any problem…Hopefully they arrive next week!
I’m looking forward to take merch pictures and make beautiful packaging! (I’m not good at making beautiful packaging, don’t expect too much haha)






