2023-10-05 October Random Talk

Suddenly realized…I’ve reached 100 patrons on Afdian from history!

I’m so happy! Thank you!
Wishing everyone a happy holiday!!



Some holiday random talk~

There’s a lot that I’d like to talk about, but every day it’s like…
Still, my biggest problem is lack of energy; when I do have some, it all goes into journaling and collaging *sigh*
The last time I posted only one line about the mailing boxes…it was because I fell asleep after writing just one sentenceˊ_>ˋ

Anyway, have a great holiday everyone!! Rest well!
I’ll show off my junk journals in a few days (not that anyone wants to see them).

I want to do everything, but end up doing nothing. The only motivation I have is cleaning and (junk) journaling.
Cleaning the room ➡️ collaging/journaling ➡️ room becoming a total mess ➡️ cleaning up again is currently the ultimate way for me to de-stress😂

More update after some sleep:
I’m still cleaning up after getting back home (I know it’s been a month…), because my room was very full! There was no place to store the merch!!
Yes, I still haven’t managed to display them, and sometimes I feel a bit guilty about the friends (and players) who got such large packs! (…
I really want to display them in my room (tho there’s no space), and I also want to take some more nice merch photos with my camera (rather than my phone…even though I’m not good at taking beautiful merch photos இ௰இ)
Therefore I start organizing and decluttering, but only managed to throw away a few old t-shirts. My stationery drawers are also a mess. I can barely remember what I stuffed in them, making them very inconvenient to use…
→ So I’ll organize! It’s great that I’ve got some paper scraps and packaging bags. I’ll try junk journaling! → Well…I think I need more stickers and scrapbook stuff…இ௰இ → Start browsing shopping sites…
I also bought some storage items when ordering stationary, looking forward to some home improvement (😣
Btw, there’s a pack of memo that I can’t find anywhere after unpacking…the TWTP cards are also missing, which is quite frustrating.

I constantly feel tired is probably because I exercise more…I’m still getting used to it. Walking or playing Fitness Runner for half an hour makes me tired, though it’s nothing for normal people…😂
Plus it really feels like the day just buzzes by when not sitting in front of my pc for long hours =-=
Now you see the necessity of eating well, sleeping well, and exercising properly…

It’s great that Fitness Runner now has Simplified Chinese (and English). This game is one of the fitness games that suits me best. It’s easy to play, and the training is nice, highly recommended!
The character I choose is voiced by Kana Hanazawa, and I really like her voice! (Some how she reminds me of Katrielle Layton. I’m just so happy and…satisfied).

I also tried guka (it’s like decorating an acrylic chip with tiny stickers)…It feels nice to decorate a binder with charms and keychains😂
The moment I started using a binder…I thought about making keychain merch. I’ll will consider it next time (is there really a next time…

P6 is my little junk box. I swear that I’ll not hoarding anymore…
Actually, I’m also trying very hard not to hoard my thoughts (and pictures) for updating. I often feel that I can’t deal with the things going on my mind, then end up having a huge block, which makes everything very exhausting. (Like…why did you make so much merch! *eyes closed*
I’m reflecting!! By the way, P6 and P7 are suitcase stickers that I bought on Amazon (copy right issue…?), but, well, the quality is good so I just don’t want to throw them away. I’ll try sticking them on my junk journal.
I also dug out a self-made Sailor Moon sticker book from my elementary school days when I was at my home in China, and realized that I’ve been making scrapbooks with printer paper since over 20 years ago! They were even A5 size haha! I truly a fan of A5 size, nothing has changed a bit😂
It was a book full of beautiful Sailor Moon stickers in my memory, but seeing the actual items now…the print quality haha…The stickers are blurry and have lots of ghosting, plus many weird 90s-style colorings (many of them are unofficial…)
I also scaned and printed some manga covers to put them in the scrapbook (I guess I was one who used up the colour ink…). The inkjet printer around 2000 was like…If the ink dots are any rougher they’d be a colorblindness test chart (?!)
Oh my, real Y2K…

So last night I realized, I’m still making sacrpbooks and playing with (unofficial) Sailor Moon stickers! 😂 A friend said: Life is a circle www
But at least now I have Sailor Moon 30th Anniversary stationery 😊!
Oh right, I’ve also finished the second MD notebook. I do enjoy keeping the diary, tho I don’t have much energy to talk about it.

Also, here are some pictures when I was taking a walk. I met a cat on the road who came over to rub against me, then just flopped down on the ground😭
There was also a day when there was a sunshower. I was pretty tired and upset but forced myself to go out…and saw this (half) full rainbow, which was rare🌈

I went to look at the moon on Mid-Autumn Festival. At least I need to take a glance…The clouds were thick, the moon was very bright, and it was pretty to watch the clouds drift by.
When I was taking photos, an outdoor cat friend jumped out again! He just plays in my gardern day and night😾

My recent favorite background music for doing homework is this → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFNPrOfxBWo
The music is nice, and a 50-minute Pomodoro timer is just right! It has a good reminder sound! Recommended~

Don’t sit for too long! Stay hydrated!
I really recommend black tea with dried tangerine peel (Chinese herbology). Teabags work too. It’s nice to brew a big pot, and then happy drinking!👍
Please eat well, sleep well, and rest well. Hope you have a happy october!!

(Just this nonsense radom talk can also take me an hour…today’s update ends here😂)

Oh, the hoarder’s dilemma: “What if I want to use this after it’s gone?”
There will always be more stuff in the future! When am I ever short of bits of paper and plastic bags? Don’t hoard!
But still…I haven’t had the heart to throw away a big bag of kraft paper bags and clean bubble wrap…(trying to reuse them…)
And these stickers…why did I buy two of them? I can’t even use up one set😭

Junk journals made of junk are still junk, ans I have to clean up a space for them…
The law of conservation of junk😭

I also made three mini notebooks with unusable sticky notes, using up a stack of memo blocks (they are as heavy as bricks…). Four-in-one is where I took four memo and stick them into one sheet, using up some unwanted washi tape at the same time…
In the end, I only made 17 pages, leaving me feeling a bit unfulfilled, kind of like, “Huh, is this all the junk memo block I have?” (you…

Hoarding updates also bacame a lot of rambling…and I feel like it’s exhausting for the readers too, m(_ _)m

Additionally, I do think a month is enough to form a habit. After being forced to take walks for a month with my parents at home, I’m fine with exercising now…
And after a month without social media, I don’t even feel like checking them anymore (…).
I usually find it quite hard to form habits. I hate having to do a little bit every day :/ Somehow it feels like I’m on the right track, I can push on (like…updating daily?—not happening, lol).

It surprise me that I just started to keep the diary and never missed a single day. I wish I had this much dedication for other tasks!
The weirdest habit I can’t maintain is taking vitamins. Doctors always told to have some Vitamin B, but over the years, I’ve hardly taken any. I never remember to take Vitamin D in the winter due to the lack of sunlight, even when I put it right next to me…Well, writing this as a reminder to myself 😂

Also, there’s something about journaling that I wanted to write on Lofter (a blog I used to use), but I’ve been hoarding it forever and haven’t…
I’ll talk about it in the next update (…). ← Writing it here so I don’t forget =-=
(↑Unfortunately this never happened as well😂)






所以就在大规模整理收纳,企图断舍离(只成功丢掉几件旧tee),文具抽屉也都乱七八糟,而且都塞了什么东西也有点记不清了,用的时候很不顺手,→那就整理吧!刚好处理之前攒了一袋子的纸片和包装袋,尝试贴垃圾手账,→我怎么很缺素材!我想买இ௰இ!→开始浏览购物网站……虽然跑题但也买了一些收纳类物品,期待一些home improvement(😣

体力不支是因为,现在做运动成为首要任务=-= 但是散步或者fitness runner半小时之后还是对我有点影响😂,虽然对正常人来说是非常少的运动量了……加上不久坐,感觉真是一天脑瓜子嗡嗡的就过去了=-=
顺便fitness runner也有简中了,这个游戏是几款运动系里最适合我的,运动量少,但是活动得比较到位,拿起手柄就能玩,推荐!














m(_ _)m

我还是挺难养成习惯的,很讨厌每天做一点的事情,稍微有了一点培养习惯的感觉,有需求可以再接再厉0 0(比如每天更新(不会的wwwww

