2023-12-31 Happy New Year

Unfortunately, I caught a cold right after returning from my trip, and I’ve mostly been lying at home sleeping 😷

I had no idea that the winter in Japan was soooo dry…It’s an island country! The humidity was around 30%, which was hard to get used to.
They use air conditioners rather than heating, which felt like being air-dried…I did drink a lot of water and had many lozenges, yet my nose and throat still hurt. Then I went back to my home in China. The humidity was just above 20%…I finally collapsed (:з」∠)

Then I unpacked and packed, had some rest, and read some books…I finished “Ensel and Krete”, which is by the author of “Captain Bluebear”. I love Bluebear so much and looked forward to this one for a long time. Well…It’s an amazing story, though it’s hard not to wonder if the author was on mushrooms when writing it😂
I also read some Peanuts comics. I got a collectable set from a friend (when she was tidying her bookshelf). They’re really cute…the kids and Snoopy are just healing. They are also great for bedtime reading, though the hardcover book is huge and heavy. It’s a pity that I can’t finish the whole set in a short holiday.

Happy New Year, everyone! See you next year!




