2024-01-18 Middle Earth and Random Talk

From The Lord of the Rings movies → extended editions → behind-the-scenes → books (Chinese) → books (English)/audiobooks (narrated by Andy Serkis! Haven’t listened to them yet…) → The Hobbit movies → *repeat* → and maybe even another round of The Lord of the Rings (it’s a loop…), then The Silmarillion → other related books → Chinese/English versions and audiobooks…

I might not make it out this year >A<
If there’s any delay, it’s all because of Tolkien…Wait, Another Code is releasing soon, Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side is on February 14th, and FF7 Rebirth is on February 29th,
I… need to pull myself together…

My Kindle had some issues yesterday, which took me quite some time. Fortunately it wasn’t anything serious. I was kinda shocked to find out that Kindle Oasis seems to be discontinued.
Nooooo—the only device left with physical page-turn buttons…What does Amazon have against physical buttons?! Are they really not going to make these wonderful things anymore?
(It’s typical for me; anything I start liking ends up being discontinued *crying*

Anyway, Paperwhite has two new versions, with a 6.8-inch screen and warm light, reaching the standards of the Oasis (except it doesn’t have page-turn buttons!…

In the end, while I was figuring this out, I started browsing Audible…I wanted to re-read “Bullet Train” and “Three Assassins” (by Isaka Kotaro), and “The Mantis” is out too (tho I’m waiting for the paperback)…
It’s a pity that Audible are just audiobooks and Kindle books (text) still need to be purchased separately (wish they are on the same app…) (:з」∠)
I bought tLotR trilogy anyway. After all, it’s narrated by Andy Serkis, and I’ve wanted to listen to it for a long time. I also discovered Stephen Fry has narrated the complete Sherlock Holmes stories…It’s over 70 hours… (I probably need to grab the book to enjoy it. Will I ever listen? Just add it to the collection first haha


Also, because of these Kindle and audible shopping thing, I ended up unable to sleep whithout the sleep balm’s help…My bedtime has been pushed back hour by hour after I got back from the holiday.
(The phone screen is too much for me; reading physical books doesn’t help much since I need the light on, so I really rely on Kindle as a sleep aid…*sob*
Really need to get ready for work now qvq (Oh, you remember your work!

I probably had mentioned it before…I particularly love the robes made for Saruman, especially the fabric. His white robe has this subtle colour of “looking white” but shimmering in various colors with different lighting (easy to write but difficult to make!). The costume used a lot of embroidered fabrics, looking luxurious yet with many worn details. The details and textures are almost impossible to capture by the camera, but still, they are an essential part of the character, of creating a realistic Middle Earth.
That’s one thing that I really love about the movies…They even had potters and glassblowers to make all the jars, cups, and bottles, just for the authenticity and uniqueness of Middle Earth. I still deeply admire (and fascinated by) the passion of tLotR crew (*wipes tear*).

Talking about the “reality”…Suddenly I (kinda) got why I can’t draw very fantastical or exaggerated designs, like crazy hairstyles and fatasy clothes and stuff…
I like to think about how the clothes are made and worn when drawing them for the characters…If the character needs to travel or fight, I just can’t help wondering if the outfits are convenient or reasonable… then very unlikely to make them a Final Fantasy style (tho I love FF!
I know games (especially the fantasy ones) don’t need such realism—sounds more like an excuse of unable to draw complicated designs haha.
I also enjoy making a lot of backstories that will never appear in front of the players (yes i enjoyed doing this…). They are my embroidered fabric q_q

Weta was a new studio at the time they started to make tlotr, and Weta Digital was founded specifically for the movies (PJ: It would be too costly to go to the US for digital effects, better to do it locally). PJ even joked that tLotR was the biggest low-budget film shot in Wellington haha…but I love the charm of low-budget films! It’s really fascinating to see the creators making the most out of the limited conditions (same for indie games).
I almost forgot that the extremely terrifying scream of the Ringwraiths is Fran’s scream, and the sniffing sound is performed by PJ himself lol
How can one look at the Ringwraiths the same way after knowing this wwww

Another thing I noticed when rewatching…I knew the opening battle in the Fellowship was done by CG but I didn’t quite understand the tech (I was young…). Each little figure (agent) is an AI with its own thoughts and actions. The battle wasn’t “set up” (not drawn by CG) but generated. That’s indeed something in 2001 (and the tech was mature enough to be used in the industry back then).
I couldn’t help but laugh out when hearing about the agent: don’t you guys have Agent Smith in your program haha…Hugo Weaving is just outside!

Watching the movies is like riding a time machine. I spent lots of weekends watching the DVDs when I was in high school. I haven’t watched them for many years but very line is just vivid in my memory. Watching them still feels like a “Sunday afternoon”.

And I often say that if I want to create a nice place, like Sango Village, the idea is “a place I want to live”. It seems to come from what Alan Lee said when he designing Hobbiton ; v;
Though I’m not in the level of Alan Lee I hope I made some nice little places that you can relax in there. *covers face*

I had a post of the Middle Earth map from a magazine back in 2003…It was in my room for many years and I always keep it with me…kinda want to hang it up again.
(In the end I didn’t. It was too precious for me to be taken out again lol)

By the way, after exercising (with NS) for over four months (plus a week of travel), finally my stamina seems to have increased. I also can sleep well and wake up early recently, so…can I finally get back to work (?!

There’s a lot on my mind but I’m unable to actually make them.
I’ve finished another junk journal, and one of this year’s goals is to stop buying stationery >A<

Sometimes I wonder if it’s the journals make me update less on SNS…
Anyway, I won’t give up any of my projects. That’s for sure.

I originally wanted to write about plans and new year resolutions (though it’s already past mid-January…)
I usually hate new year resolutions because I feel like such things are just for talking, so I prefer summaries over plans. Even so, this year I seem to have some resolutions at the beginning of the year, maybe for the first time in my life!
Maybe I really have a little hope for the new year (aka the future) (!

I plan to read more books, update more frequently, write down my ideas without hoarding them, continue exercising (as the doctor told me), and it would be great to use my camera more…and even better if I could draw more (if my back pain gets better); v;

P.S. January 3rd is Tolkien’s birthday (T’mas), so the New Year is really suitable for reading tLotR! (
P.P.S. Speaking of not hoarding…I didn’t write about the movies I watched in December, or have I looked at my travel photos yet (I took photos without looking at them…I’m not the one I use to be…)

Before resume my project, I will probably release a localization first.
A small announcement to motivate me to start working. >A<

闲聊 | 中土世界





结果搞着搞着我就,终于被audible(有声书)的试用拉下了水,想再看一遍bullet train和three assassins(杀手界和疾风号,恐妻家也已经出了,但我在等平装版……),终于搞清楚了有声书是怎么运作的(:з」∠)
另外发现Stephan Fry念了全本的福尔摩斯,70多个小时……(但是没有配套文本,想同时看文字还得拿着书听(。)会听吗,先入库再说吧hhh






weta当时还是个新工作室呢,甚至weta digital是为了魔戒专门成立的(PJ:要是专门飞到美国去做数字特效就太花钱花世界了,还是在本地搞一个吧),PJ还笑称魔戒是在惠灵顿拍的最大的低成本电影,笑死,
比如这个我忘了——戒灵那种极度恐怖的尖叫是Fran(PJ的伴侣+剧本作者)叫的,嗅闻的声音是PJ表演的w 这还让人怎么直视戒灵wwwwww







【Haul|旅游购物分享(上)|游戏宅买文具orz-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/pEZW2co

有时候觉得会不会用纸笔导致SNS的更新少了……或者贴贴手账和垃圾影响了画图和填坑q-q 但是也舍不得,只能说继续磨合一下填坑节奏吧,(不买了不要再买了!

本来还想写一下计划和new year resolution的(1月都过一半多了哪还new year…),
虽然我最讨厌new year resolution,因为觉得这种东西都是嘴上说说过三个月就没然后了,厌恶所谓的仪式感和只说不做,所以比起展望更喜欢总结,比起计划更喜欢写已经发生的记录,


P.S. 1月3日的托老诞辰(所谓的T’mas),所以新年真的很适合读tLotR捏!(
P.P.S. 说着不要攒……小作文还写得出来吗,到现在我旅游照片还一眼没看(拍了照都不带看的,我是不是真的已经不是从前的我了……),要不干脆把实体的本子内容再数字化了算了😂😂
