2023-11-17 The 2nd Wave Merch and Some Random Talk

The second wave of merch will just have two sets of stickers…for a start!
I originally planned to make the acrylic keychains for the TAT gang (the images are ready), but I kinda got stuck on the “chain” part…I wanted to have some simple black cords (colored cords would be even better) to make a tiny charm (that could be decorated on a binder)…but the factory didn’t have those cords, only bead chains or keyring clasps.
Star clasps look nice, but they might not look like small charms for a binder, while bead chains feel a bit…cheap. (Anyway, black cords look cheap as well, don’t they?!) Therefore I might end up choosing bead chains after all.

I also want to fix up Charlotte’s fullbody image slightly. It wasn’t very well drawn (for it’s an old picture from 2016…). Making an acrylic standee will flip it horizontally, which is a bit risky.
And I haven’t finished the images for another set of small standees, so I won’t rush the job.

I was planning talking about the merch, but I’m kinda too exhausted to find out where to start…
Well, firstly I really want to thanks everyone for the support *started to cry*

For example…The idea of these small standees sugguested by a player (who made the first oversea order!)
I was always shocked and very nervous when having an order (that’s one of the reasons that I didn’t look very enthusiastic about the shop…actually I am!) I know I should feel happy and proud rather than anxious. It’s just hard to control it😂

The staff at Afdian (who makes and sells the merch in China) are super nice and reliable, which saves me a lot of trouble…T T However, the work hours in China for me are basically…around 2 AM to 5 AM. I feel like my health might not allow me to keep going like this (:з」∠)
(Well…to be honest they are something I want to make. I know it’s no big deal to anyone else if I make it or not…
(But I’d feel really guilty if they doesn’t sell and just piles up in Afdian’s warehouse…I do hope it sells out soon!😂

…What nonsense am I talking about as a creator (:з」∠)
Anyway, it’s the best thing if you can like the merch (and use them)!!
I’ll keep pushing on 💪!

One thing about making merch is that it’s not just about printing the images. There’s image editing and surveys beforehand, and after receiving the merch, I need to think about the packaging, buy wraping materials, pack every item, take photos, and list them online. The whole process is just…not easy.
I admit that I underestimated the workload of counting items and packaging. Even I got my wraping materials by very fast delivery, usually they still needed at least two days.
I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by…

Maybe I made things too complicated for the first wave. I did have a great time (….) trying various papers, bags, and ribbons. This time I calmed down a bit (the stickers are simpler too).
I just bought some colorful envelopes and cute bubble bags for wrapping. Of course, I also printed new seal stickers and some cards as a gift!

Actually, I also made three wooden stamps this time, which were still in the transfer warehouse. Also, I should be traveling during Christmas, and returning at the beginning of January. I won’t bring my pc for the holiday, so I’ll just stop working over Christmas (which means there really isn’t much time left this year…I originally thought about struggling to finish the drawings and place the order before leaving, so when I come home, I could happily receive the goods (like in August), but suddenly…I feel this sounds too familiar…😂 That’s exactly what I thought (and did) in August, and in the end, I was stressed without any rest until the last moment (you never know what will happen when making merch!)…
Not sure if I should rush it ((if not, I’ll think about it next spring or summer.

It feel like a blur after getting back to the UK in September…and before I knew it, even the Singles’ Day (11th Novemver) was passed. Only a month left before travelling…so I hurriedly had the items shipped from the transit warehouse. I hope this parcel, including the postcards and stamps (the stickers were delayed by a few days and I didn’t wait for them), can arrive before I leave.
—So somehow, I ended up listening to the whooshing noise of the deadline again.
How… *looks to the sky*

Time flies too fast இ௰இ

My recent interest has been all about watching movies. I started by rewatching “Vanilla Sky,” and then started to rewatching “Mission: Impossible” again…one movie a day. To me, the first six were all great, but the 7th is difficult to say…
I rewatched “Reservoir Dogs” again today. I was initially a bit shocked by the violent scenes when I first watching it, but after all these years…Yeah it is a brilliant movie.

In the first half of the year (while working on “An Halloween Afternoon”), things were still pretty normal, then everything went beyond my control (I want to go home! I need to go home!).
I watched a lot of Japanese dramas and movies, and completely fell behind on my reading. Now with the year almost over, I may not even reach 20 books—planning to read hard in the last month, or I won’t be able to write for the reading list of the year.
In the other hand, I did watch quite a few movies, although there’s nothing particularly to recommend. Everyone has probably seen the must-watch ones already.
(I sincerely recommend “Vanilla Sky”).

…But I’m not worried about the year-end art summary, 😠 (???).

闲聊 | 第二波谷子!和一些近况





爱发电这边有爱发电的工作人员(超级nice又靠谱),省了很多心……T T



但突然感觉这个节奏怎么这么熟悉……😂 八月我就是这么想的↑,结果还不是焦头烂额没有休息搞到最后一刻(做谷子你不知道会发生什么!)……不确定要不要赶工((不赶就慢慢来,明年春天或者夏天再说



所以今年快结束了我的书目可能还不到20——最后一个月打算恶补一下,不然年末的书单写不出来 了(

……但是我都不操心年末的art summary,😠(???

Here are some recent photos, I seem to have hoarded again orz.

P1, Sunset was difficult to take, but the sky looked really blue.
I still can’t get used to it getting dark at 4:30 pm. I want to hibernate =-=

P2, a Powerpuff Girls pen holder (makeup brush holder) I bought from Shein.
I still haven’t figured out what to put in it _(:з」∠)

P3, A small gift box and some dices from Shein! They look pretty. Now I have a manual random number generator! haha

P4, my curtain lol, with gradient sheer and little stars. It sparkles during the day www (gives off a disco vibe…very amusing) I thought it was too girly when I bought it, but now I completely love it.

P5-6, I made a small note book using the memo block. The purple one turned out to be 75 sheets of paper plus 75 sheets of cardstock…rather than 400 sheets of memo. What can I do with these 7x7cm cards?

P7, I bought three boxes of 400 sheets memo blocks, without know what I was doing…Finally, just one box left, I need to keep using them (.

P8-9, made a small journal for recording journal entries





P4,我的窗帘w 渐变纱纱上面有小星星的孔,白天就会闪闪的www(有种蹦迪的效果w 很喜感,刚买回来的时候觉得是油腻少女心,现在完全喜欢上了~



P10-11, spent the Halloween eve making a junk journal. I actually bought props like pumpkins and little brooms, but Halloween just passed like that (…

P12-14, took a walk in mid-October, very autumnal. I even found a big mushroom under a tree (kinda wanted to journal about the walking, but I doubt I’d do that again untill next spring (it’s cold…)

P15, the honorable retirement of my mini hole punch.
I can’t believe I broke the hole puncher ahhhh… (I made it work too hard, my bad😂 It was a very good puncher!

P16, the afternoon sun shining through the curtain holes.
I really love west-facing rooms (although it’s super hot in the summer). Everything displayed is the stuff I like, and the calligraphy is written by my mom (It’s said something like, “more or less it’s just fine”).

P17, Bar keep and Rosie holding hands~ (I also love this spot on the shelf. It’s the first things for me to look at when I turn my head

P18, this year’s DQ stationery.
They released an A5-sized adventure notebook! The inner pages are also very beautiful. Love it! Better than the A6 planner.

P19 is the Kokuyo loose-leaf notebook. I really like this green colour and this dog

P20 is a beautiful sky, and a rose shooting up into the sky 😂

I wanted to practice drawing and photography, but in the end, my mind went blank then I watched a movie, “The Fugitive”, instead. The 1993 film is truly great🥹

Movies are wonderful.
Making movies is like crafting dreams, and watching movies is like dreaming.



P15,光荣退役的迷你打孔器。我居然把打孔器打烂了啊啊啊……(是我让它承担了太多,是我不好😂 买了新的打孔器(和气眼钳,气眼钳还没试用),还是这种小小的迷你的好用






