Tag: The Witches' Tea Party
2021-09-27 第三次人气投票结果公布!
Tea Party Walkthrough: Food
TWTP 3-Year and The 1st Popularity Vote Result
◇ The 2nd Popularity Vote starts!
◇ The 1st Vote’s result!
◇ A Renee to celebrate TWTP 3-year anniversary~
The Witches’ Tea Party
– About –
The Witches’ Tea Party is a story-driven adventure game with a magical world and colourful characters. There will be small quests, collectables, puzzles, minor horror/disturbing elements and multiple endings.
This is the second game of the Witches series.
2020-10-10 TWTP Janpanese version is released!
TWTP Janpanese version is released!
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