Tag: Trick & Treat
2016-12-10 Emoji Challange
2016-12-01 Winter Doddle
2016-11-25 Winter John…
Winter John…
I Can’t draw…o(—(

2016-11-10 Thank You!
2016-11-06 Fireworks
A quick doodle for bonfire night…

#tho i’m bit late!
#i can still hear some fireworks
#i looove fireworks
2016-10-31 Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween! : D

2016-10-01 MY HEART….
2016-09-28 Trick & Treat and the Art Book released on Steam!
Trick & Treat and the Art Book released on Steam!
2016-09-26 the scary part.
“Congrats for completing stuff!!”
Thank you!!
There’s still a bit of final work but hopefully I can finish & upload everything tomorrow, then it’s done! (So that I can work on the tea party project…which has been on an unexpected long hiatus ;w;)
To be honest the idea of people might play the game is kinda scary for me X’D (I’m always happy when making stuff, but once I think about it, it scares me lol) I’m so bad at advertising & generally communicate with people so I’m REALLY grateful you (and all of you) staying around.
Let’s celebrate autumn😄🍂🎃✨🎉
Continue reading “2016-09-26 the scary part.”